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Approved Minutes 11/06/2008
Salem Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
November 6, 2008

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, November 6, 2008, at 6:30pm in Room 313 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Those present were: Chairman Chuck Puleo, John Moustakis, Pam Lombardini, David Weiner, Gene Collins, Tim Kavanaugh, Christine Sullivan, Tim Ready.  Also present were: Frank Taormina, Staff Planner and Stacey Dupuis, Clerk.

Absent: Nadine Hanscom

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the October 16th meeting were reviewed.  

Chairman Puleo pointed out that on Page 2, second to last paragraph, it should read “…the HVAC Unit shall be screened prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter a motion was made by John Moustakis to accept the minutes as revised, seconded by Pam Lombardini and approved (7-0).

Continued Public Hearing- Site Plan Review, Wetlands and Flood Hazard District Special Permit, & North River Canal Corridor Mixed Use District Special Permit- Riverview Place LLC, 72 Flint Street, 67-69 Mason Street & 71 Mason Street (Map 26, Lots 0091, 0095 & 0097) former Salem Suede Property – Attorney Scott Grover

Attorney Scott Grover explained that the last time they were before the Planning Board in April, the Planning Board referred this to the Design Review Board.  When the DRB first saw the design of this project, they were not very enthusiastic.  With recommendations and comments from the Planning Board that they incorporated into the re-design, Attorney Scott Grover feels that they are now closer to a DRB decision.  Eastern Land Survey is working on the engineered plans to be submitted and Riverview Place LLC will be providing money for the Traffic Peer Review and the Engineering Peer Review.  They hope the Planning Board will be ready to render a decision in December.  

Attorney Grover asked that Staff Planner Frank Taormina read into the record the status of quorum and each board member’s eligibility to vote on the project.  Frank mentioned that currently there are seven (7) members eligible to vote and quorum is six (6) members.  Those members those are eligible to vote Chairman Puleo, Gene Collins, Tim Kavanaugh, Pam Lombardini, Nadine Hanscom, Christine Sullivan and Tim Ready.  Frank mentioned that Dave Weiner will not be able to vote since this project began prior to his appointment to the Planning Board.  He also mentioned that both Gene Collins and Pam Lombardini have already missed a meeting and pursuant the Mullin Rule are still eligible to vote, however they cannot miss any further meeting.

Steve Livermore, Architect, discussed the revised plans: It still includes 3 buildings but they were reconfigured and the design of the buildings have changed.  The largest of the three buildings includes a 196-car parking garage, this reduces the surface parking by 100 cars.  The garage has 2 floors with one floor below grade.  The image of the building has been modified to appear as an old renovated mill from Bridge Street, and will appear more residential from another Mason Street and Flint Street.  There is a physical and visual connection from Mason St through the development to the canal.  The new landscape design includes more trees and plantings along the North River Canal side, with some parking along the Flint Street side for the residents of Flint Street.

Steve Livermore walked the board members through all the design changes and the new access street.  Gene Collins expressed his concern with calling it a street, as it may encourage people to cut through.  He remembers them offering to provide an easement through the property to connect Commercial Street to Flint Street.  

Attorney Scott Grover said the access road is much narrower than a street, it’s an access way or driveway into the complex, with speed bumps.  Steve Livermore mentioned that the DRB liked the vista and access way, the access way organizes vehicular access on site and creates an edge that the NRCC Plan calls for.  

Dave Weiner noticed on the plans that there is a set of stairs and asked if there will be ADA access as well.  Steve Livermore said that due to a grade change it is extremely difficult to add an ADA ramp next to the stairs, instead there is a sidewalk that connects to Mason Street which does meet ADA standards.

Michael O’Brien, Manager Riverview Place LLC, mentioned that he is willing to create an easement through his property to connect Commercial Street with Flint Street, he is just not sure how long that will take, and in the mean time he would rather keep that area green as shown on the plans.  Steve Livermore added how much greener this plan is compared to the last and that the trees would be planted in a manner that once the road connection is build they would remain.  

Steve Livermore mentioned that the Mason St. building is more residential in nature.  They are still proposing commercial space but it will not be on Mason Street but rather within the complex on the first floor.  There is some parking along the access drive and they have proposed about 5,000 sq ft of that first floor for commercial/retail use.  Steve Livermore added that the commercial space is intended for more internal use.  Gene Collins said that they had an earlier discussion regarding retail on Mason St. to encourage circulation on Mason St., not internally. Pam Lombardini likes the idea of the ‘internal’ commercial space because Mason St. is so busy.  Michael O’Brien explained that they changed from Mason St. to interior due to traffic issues on Mason St and Flint St.  Michel added that he does not plan of including an attraction or commercial use that people would drive to, but rather a use like a gym, bookstore, or coffee shop, etc for people in that complex and/or residents within walking distance.

Chairman Puleo asked for comparison of old design and new design with regards to height and area.  Steve Livermore explained that the tallest building is 50 ft, the next one 40 ft and the last one is slightly lower.  The actual footprints increased slightly to 69,000 mainly because of the added parking garage; green space increased 18-20%.

Christine Sullivan agreed with Pam Lombardini as far as building use.  John Moustakis did not really like the old mill building style.  Steve Livermore explained that it fits the NRCC and it looks more residential from the Flint St. and Mason St side.  The materials to be used will mimic that of the old mill and the siding will be diamond shaped asphalt shingles.  Gene Collins echoed what John Moustakis said regarding not liking the “old mill” style either.  Steve Livermore feels that the look from the North Street overpass will look good.  

Pam Lombardini however likes the idea of the old mill style.  Tim Ready suggested tabling these issues until the DRB comes to the Planning Board with recommendations. Christine Sullivan disagreed with that and said that the DRB will only make recommendations and it is up to the Planning Board to agree or disagree with them and ultimately issue a decision. Christine Sullivan also stated that she, like Pam also likes the old mill style as well.  

Prior to opening the meeting to the public, Chairman Puleo read a letter submitted by Lorene T. Scanlon, President of Mack Park Association.   The letter explained how two years ago she wanted to purchase a condominium on Mason St. but was reluctant.  After some research, she was satisfied because she was told if someone were to re-develop the former Salem Suede Property it would be of a certain style, type, size, etc according the NRCC plans.  She is now disappointed with the eyesore that is still there and what is now being planned for that site. John Moustakis suggested the letter be sent to Board of Appeals.

Public Comment

David Goggin inquired about the width of the driveway, curb cuts and fire hydrant connections.  Steve Livermore said the with of the driveway is 24 ft but doesn’t know yet about the fire connections, however, the fire department has approved what they have done so far.  David Goggin suggested the Fire Marshall get a set of plans.  He also suggested the parking garage be open air and for them to check the grading of the area for the garage for flooding issues.

Paul Prevey, 26 Tremont Street, City Councilor Ward 6, opposes the density of this project because of it’s impact on the neighborhood.  Flint St. and Mason St. are a failure with traffic.  He thinks this re-design looks better than last design.  He attended the last Design Review Board (DRB) meeting and said one of the members suggested using quality materials or it won’t look like a mill building.  He appreciates the comments from the Planning Board and work thus far by the members of the DRB.  

John Moustakis suggested making Goodhue St. a two-way street.  Chairman Puleo said he asked Lynn Duncan to look into that possibility.

Jane Arlander, 92 Federal Street, suggested that the study done by the City’s Traffic Consulting Engineers, BETA Group, relative to the Court Project should be looked at in concert with this project because this project may have an impact those mitigation measures for the Court project. Attorney Scott Grover said that is why they are paying for the Peer Review consultant.   Jane Arlander added that residents have noted that since the traffic changes on North Street were implemented, traffic on Federal Street has increased.  Scott Grover suggested that discussion of traffic issues will be best to discuss at the December meeting because traffic experts will be present at that meeting.  Frank Taormina added that the traffic engineers that will be performing the peer review of this project are the same traffic engineers that the City hired for the Court Traffic Study, so there will be continuity.

Mark Bellingham, 14 Oak Street (across from cement factory), commended everyone on their work.  Regarding traffic, he feels any study won’t matter because those streets were built for horse drawn carriages. He also said the sewer systems are old as his water main has blown twice in the last two years.

Rich Lapurches, 79 Oak Street, his biggest concern is traffic.  He said that it is getting worse every day.  He suggested before the Planning Board allows this project, they should deal with the traffic.  

Tim Ready explained to audience members that the Planning Board would try to mitigate and work with the developers and neighbors.
Martin Imm, 174 Federal St., explained that he played a role in the NRCC Master Plan and ordinance and that this project does not follow the guidelines.  He presented the Planning Board with a letter he drafted and highlighted some of his concerns.  He wants the property to be complying with the Master Plan.  One factor it ignores is the connection of Commercial St to Mason St.  Chairman Puleo pointed out that the connection is shown through the abutting property connecting Tremont Street, Mason St to Commercial Street.  Matin Imm claims that that may never be done, but this property could offer that connection, even though it is not a direct connection with Tremont St.  

John Moustakis added that Martin Imm is correct in that when they were on the NRCC working group, they didn’t envision developments this large. However, the ZBA granted the density relief and the Board is working within in that and trying its best to the best project under that framework.

Chairman Puleo read a memo from Lynn Duncan, City Planner, regarding the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Decision to grant a density variance for the project and the role of the Planning Boards moving forward.

Meg Twohey, 122 Federal Street, questioned Lynn Duncan’s letter to the board.  She read a couple sentences from the NCRR Ordinance which allows the Planning Board to grant density bonuses and questioned why the applicant had to go before the ZBA for a variance when the Planning Board had the jurisdiction to grant a density bonus above and beyond what is allowed by-right.

Betsy Burns, 20 Burnside Road, questioned the density of the project and that it is not in keeping with the NRCC Ordinance.  She cautioned the board that this project once approved will transform the area forever.

Humphrey Gardner, 170 Federal Street, asked the developer whether the number of one bedroom units, two bedroom units, and three bedroom units.  He also asked whether they would all be rental or owner occupied or both.

Christine Sullivan asked that all DRB Meeting Minutes relative to this project be sent to the board members.  Staff Planner Frank Taormina agreed to forward the DRB meeting minutes to the board.

Old/New Business

Danvers Bank — 3-5 Traders Way — Request to Release Escrow Account Funds  

Frank Taormina mentioned that he received a letter from Danvers Bank requesting the release of Escrow, as they have finished all the landscaping requirements and have complied with all the other conditions of their Decision.  Frank stated that the City has already received the As-Built Plans and that he drove to the site and confirmed that everything has in fact been completed and recommended that the Board release the funds being held in escrow.   Chairman Puleo asked for a motion to release the funds.  A motion was made by Gene Collins, seconded by Tim Ready and approved unanimously (7-0).


There being no further business to come before the Planning Board this evening, a motion was made by John Moustakis to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Tim Kavanaugh and approved unanimously ( 7-0)

The meeting adjourned at 8:28pm.  

Respectfully submitted by:

Stacey Dupuis, Clerk
Salem Planning Board